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Trying to purchase replys..........

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 5:55 pm
by MartyG to the forum here, but maybe I can get an answer.
I live in California, trying to find out how I can buy this program.
I've sent 2 emails in 10 days, nothing.
I’m wondering if it will come with a pdf manual. Some of the features I can’t quite figure out. Finally, what is the price in US dollars?

It's a great program....Are we yanks just banned from it?

Thanks all in advance

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 11:00 am
by rabidhamster
Hi. I think i've probably already replied to you now...

For anyone else:
R4 costs £200 - this is about $380 at the *current exchange rate*
There is no pdf manual - just what comes with the demo R4, however if you post any questions on the messageboard i'll do my best to answer them.