My First Scenes!

How to create a custom scene, and custom scenes people have created.

Moderators: rabidhamster, Rovastar

My First Scenes!

Postby Loman » Sun May 30, 2004 5:55 pm

The screenshot there IS NOT my scene... It is a texture in one of my scenes. I couldn't get the screen capture to work right (it took the mini-screenshot, but not the normal one) so I just used that as the preview.

EDIT: Screenshot is now the actual scenes, not just a texture

This pack includes:

Lomatrix Tunnel - a tunnel that uses a "Matrix" style texture made by me

Chessmania (Loman Remix) - My remix, using a texture by me

Pot Medusa - A medusa using pot leaves (looks more like a bush than pot leaves, lol)

Water Morph on Plasma Cube - "Water Morph On Cube" using custom texture by me (the one in the screenshot) this is my favorite in this pack

Water Morph on Gold Cube - Same as above, but looks gold (and not a custom texture)

Yellow Sky/Sea Organic - This is a close second to the plasma cube, you just have to see it... background by me using the Photoshop plugin "Aurora"

Please be kind, these are my first few attempts.

Feel free to use my textures in any other scenes that you want to :)
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun May 30, 2004 5:40 pm

Postby Rovastar » Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:41 pm

Hi good to see you have started. :)

Water Morph on Plasma Cube
Yellow Sky/Sea Organic

Don't work for me.

As there is no plasma.jpg file in the zip. :);)

Oh you can include folder names inteh zip so it will unzip to teh correct place.

All in all as you know it is juist texture changes to them. SOme like "Water Morph on Gold Cube " I don't see the point it looks the same but just gold. But the Pot Medusa is cool. :)
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Location: Derby & London, England

Postby Loman » Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:42 pm

Oh, sorry about not including the textures, I've updated the .zip at the link above, or you can go to and the first two are the textures that weren't included

I just thought the gold looked cool, you should try water morph on cube with the "pill" texture, if you haven't already.

Is there any way I can create custom animations for the water morphing effect? Maybe like have a cube transform into a skull, then maybe the skull could grow horns, then back to a cubish form... I dunno, just thought I'd ask, maybe you could make an animation tutorial or something, lol[/url]
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Postby rabidhamster » Sun Jun 06, 2004 8:38 am

Hi. cheers for submitting - the scenes look cool but I haven't had a chance to test them yet. I will do when i get back to a decent PC.

As for the watermorph - you can make you own watermorphs by editing the numbers in the .watermorph files - these are just the X,Y,Z coordinates and strength of each point in the watermorph. You'll can set the filename in the watermorph module to be a list of watermorphs to load as well... (i think they have to be separated by ';')

- Gordon
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